Client Testimonials
"Thank you very much to all of you, well done and looking forward to work with you on our next projects." - AP Chantier Davie Canada Inc.
"The collaboration and effort of all parties to resolve all the issues, debate and conflict was unprecedented in my experience and your team was a pleasure to work with on all levels. Your desire to “do it right” was evident throughout as was the effort and work ethic of all onboard the ship." - RC CCGS Louis St Laurent.
"Thom Hofmann and Avalon Marine Limited are recognized as the preeminent authority on shaft withdrawal extension engineering. Thordon Bearings highly recommends the services of Avalon Marine Limited as a class consultant, and
project manager." - SG Thordon Bearings Inc. -
"... 18 of the [hydro turbine brake actuators] purchased last year. They are performing well on unit 3." - RW Nalcore