Field Service Support
Support: field service, installations... etc. will be handled by your Avalon Bearings representative in partnership with Thordon GSS. We have commitment and personal interest in each and every project undertaken and will continue to provide assistance and expertise long after the project is completed. Support services include but are not limited to:
- Housing and Liner Measurements
- Machining Supervision
- Water Quality Package Commissioning
- Oil to Water Conversion Management
- Bearing and Rudder Seal Installation
- Bearing Installation
- Bearing Service and Quality Inspection (deck equipment)
- TG100 (mechanical seal) installation and commissioning
It is through this commitment to detail and client satisfaction that Avalon Bearings has become one of the leaders in the high performance marine and industrial bearing and seal industry.
Thordon Bearings Inc. provides support for Thorcoat, Thorseal and SeaThigor products.